We’ve learnt a lot about creative play for young people and we love the impact creativity makes on young people’s sense of self and confidence. Over years of running Epic Steps Holiday Clubs, we have a huge repertoire of uniquely awesome creative play activities!
Throughout all our unique, action-packed days, children have built creative thinking, problem solving, team working, courage, confidence and helping each other – key assets for their school life and future careers. Explore here to see how Epic Steps Creative Play makes a difference for young people!
We can’t wait to share with you some of the amazing games and activities children have enjoyed over the years. Keep coming back to see the latest!

What makes us different?
Sheer variety! Every activity has a unique twist and we do different things every day
Children are encouraged to think differently and then try out their own ideas
Older children can take the microphone and lead simple activities with our support
Children are active all day – we don’t believe in “sitting them in front of screens”
Perhaps they’ll be creating hilarious TV commercials or building the Empire State… or maybe designing their own gig, doing stand-up comic acts or firing rockets at a huge Dalek? They love blindfold challenges and human skittles… plus a solid dose of creative play together, especially if they have designed the rules themselves!

“When you see them working together on really unique and fun challenges and coming up with the most incredible ideas, it’s magical. The best moments are when they start to design and lead activities themselves, negotiating new rules and then giving it a go as a whole group. I’ve seen our regular children go from strength to strength – the growth in confidence is a joy to watch.”
Alison Edmonds, Club Leader

We’re happy to share our creative play ideas – feel free to try them at home. The very nature of children’s play means that accidents can happen. Please ensure that your child is safe and enjoy these games at your own risk.
For information about Epic Steps creative play, contact alison.edmonds@epicsteps.co.uk
If you’d like to see our historic Holiday Club activities, visit our FaceBook page and browse through the fun! @EpicStepsHolidayClubs
This is great for all primary age children – they’ll love the silhouettes! Collect together any age-appropriate building materials for your child(ren). Add small soft toys, lego characters, anything you like that your children can enjoy safely! Allow them to build a city scene of any type they like. Add in the other characters and items – as freely and as creatively as they like. Hold up a white sheet behind their built scene, darken the room and then shine a torch light (or mobile phone light) so that it projects a shadow onto the sheet. The most amazing effects will burst out! Move the torch light backwards and forwards and side to side for fantastic special effects!
(See an example of this at the very top of this page!)

A genuine belief in children
Enhanced DBS clearance
Paediatric First Aid Training
Commitment to our Club policies
Epic Steps is committed to safe, fun and friendly environments for children in all our activities. You will find our comprehensive Epic Steps Holiday Club policy statements by clicking here. Whilst we no longer run Holiday Clubs, we believe it is important to share the way in which we ran them. Please feel welcome to contact us at any time with your questions.