Epic Steps Careers+
The Epic Steps Ethos
In all that we do, we aim to develop awareness and values around
leadership, careers and social responsibility.
We believe in the individual, the community and the environment.

Involve hearts and minds when choosing new directions

Include everyone by offering our work at sensible cost

Innovate, think differently, drive standards and creativity in all that we do

Inspire people and organisations to act responsibly
RESPECT & HONESTYwe include everyone. we value everyone’s view. we have open doors, hearts and minds. we have integrity.
ENERGYwe value people. we have fun. we are driven by our passion to make a difference. we do what we say.
IMPACTwe look for opportunities to maximise impact. we welcome supporters who share our values. we are flexible.
Founded in 2016, Epic Steps Careers+ Limited is based in the North West.
Alison Edmonds (Founder and Director)
We believe that everyone has an incredible and unique value proposition. We help individuals at early, middle and late career stages to recognise their value, identify diverse options and move forward to achieve their career goals and ambitions.
We do this on a one-to-one basis through coaching conversations and career guidance and, on a group basis, through workshops and webinars. Our ethos is driven by a belief in people, a need for high quality careers guidance and a customised approach because everyone’s career management journey is unique. Fairness, flexibility and energy are key drivers for us.